Saturday 25 September 2010

Love at First Sight - Kalkan, Turkey

There's clearly something about Kalkan that encourages love at first sight.  You can tell just by looking around at people.  There they are, lets call them A and B for simplicity. A and B are sitting having a drink in a bar, chatting to each other, as you do - probably about the weather or the price of stamps; all perfectly normal stuff that takes place all over the world.  But then suddenly, just as A (a man) is explaining why it is utterly ridiculous that there are no postboxes around and people shouldn't be expected to walk all the way to the post office to send a card he notices that B ( a woman) is gazing at a spot about half a mile behind his right ear, with a most peculiar expression on her face,  Concerned, A stops in mid rant to ask B if she is alright, and B - with a gentle sigh and contented smile mutters that everything is absolutely perfect, possibly adding a comment about the blueness of the sea or the general loveliness of, well everything... And that's happening all the time here.  It's understandable, even predictable - this beautiful little place is out to capture hearts and souls and has all the charms to succeed in this. 

But it's not just that sort of love at first sight I'm talking about. It's romance - and one very special romance in particular that is going to be the subject of this blog.  Just a girl and a boy - she's English, he's Turkish and it was pretty clearly love at first sight for both of them.

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